Customer Testimonials

With Pinnacle Property Group, service comes first, last and always.

If our customers are happy, we're happy.

Here's what some of our clients are saying about us:

"Mark, hey I just want to check in with you; it’s been quiet, but I guess that is how we both like it!  ------- and I have been wondering what improvement needs have come to light since our first tenants have been there, and what we might need to think about in the future for the property on ------------. Just curious your thoughts.




Also just wanted to say thank you and Suzie for your service. We would be glad to provide another reference letter to your business. Not only have you cared for our business, but also how well the tenants will be treated, in terms of the maintenance and making property right for them as well. As a matter of fact, I have a friend that has been looking for an investment property; a flip or rental, and I mentioned our relationship has been a great one."   - Scott                                                                       May 2015

"The money you have given me back has helped me tremendously, I cannot begin to thank you enough for being honest and truthful to your word. Thank you for everything and God bless you and your family!!"  - Tanner                                      

Some information has been left out to give privacy to owners and tenants.  We do provide referrals upon request.

Prospective tenants... 

An application must be filled out and submitted before a tour of any property will be given to you.

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